Mrs. MommyHolic Admires EnviroPop

We can’t blame some parents who are not fully assured that gadgets can work as an educational and entertaining tool for their kids. There will always be that benefit of the doubt on certain games especially when they think of their children’s benefits.

However, Mrs. MommyHolic herself attested to the fact that gadgets are not bad for kids. She was even amazed when her daughter, Miley, exclaimed “Look Mommy, I’m ARTISTIC!” — a word that she learned from one of the apps that she really loves playing.

Just like Mrs. MommyHolic, you too can find an app which will suit your child’s needs when it comes to education and entertainment. That’s why she was indeed happy to know that there’s a newly released application called EnviroPop which can teach her children when it comes to saving the lives of the marine biodiversity, some facts about the marine life and the treacherous hazards that face them.

“When Miley saw the characters, she was so excited since they were all so cute!” – Mrs. MommyHolic

What else does Mrs. MommyHolic admire about EnviroPop? Read her full blog post here.

Mrs Mommyholic Admires EnviroPop

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